Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have allot of the Vandor Ceramic Lamps I'm considering for Sale.

I really like them, but they take so much room and I have not displayed them in years.

Anyone need to fill out their collection?
I'll try and update the thread with a list, but quite frankly I have ALLOT.
Too many!

I'm in the NY Area so local pickup is an option if you are close enough.

Keep in mind, these are heavy so shipping will cost.
(I can use USPS priority mail or UPS ground at your choice).

Wonder Woman.
The Doors.
The Beatles Yellow Submarine.
The Beatles Sgt Peppers.
The 3 Coca Cola Bears Lamps.

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The Doors Lamp is sold.
Contact me direct weebotech@cotrone.com
Hey Weebo. Do you have an alien you want to get rid of? I've just started collecting would like to find one of these. Or if anybody else sees this post, I'd appreciate a note. Thanks! jvp
The only icon I have available is Garfield
Thanks for the quick reply! I'll keep looking. best, jvp
i'm interested in st. pepper's lamp
Hi, do you still have The Beatles Yellow Submarine lava lamp for sale??
Yes, Please, email me directly
Hi Weebo Tech - What's your real name (I feel silly calling you weebo tech)?

I am an absolute beginner (which I am sure is annoying - sorry about that).

It seems you have quite a lot of lamps. Is there any possible chance that you have any Florence Art Co. glitter lamps or any Mastercrafters glitter clocks available? I would also perhaps be interested in something vintage. Any thoughts - besides telling me where to "put it"?


Jen P.
Being sent as I type.
Contact me directly Jen, My email is within this thread.
Hello, do you still have the Beatles Lava Lamp Sgt Pepper, i have the yellow submarine and it is so nice. By the way, do you know if it existe a refil bottle for the lava lamp yellow sub.


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