Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have been searching for most of the day today to find out how to identify a couple of lamps I have, but am not getting anywhere. The good thing is that I found this site and have joined; the bad thing is I still don't have what I have been looking for. Is there a simple reference out there to explain the numbering system on the caps? Also, one of my lamps may or may not be a lava brand because it does not bear the name, but the numbering system seems to indicate that it may be; any info on this?

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Hi ant. thanks for the quick reply. This is a great slide show. Here a a couple of pics that I took last night.

Bohdan, you are pretty sharp. The numbers on the cap are H5219, and 05043002C. So i guess that this was put together around April 30,2005??? Is the 52 the size?

The other lamp looks like this and has a large 10 with 020206P on top and 021202C on bottom.

I have owned bunches of these lamps over the years and would still like to find some kind of reference material that will help me to identify when I need to make a decision.

thanks for the help

That's interesting; the second part would indicate that they can crank these out at a high rate of production if they are tracking the production time down to the second. It would be interesting to know the lot sizes, or total runs of a particular lamp. I bet it is a large number to justify shipping from China.

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