Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I really like this [url=http://www.planetlava.com/shop/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=12&idproduct=35]lava table lamp[/url] but i'm wondering about using it in the UK.

Getting a US-UK voltage converter (they cost around £15 in Maplin) isn;t really worth it compared to the overall cost of the lamp... but will the US bulb fitting take a compatable bulb? if so i could just put an english plug on and slot the right bulb in?

Or are the fittings totally incompatable? I can;t say i'm really of a mind to get something new then have to totally take it apart right away...

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I am dealing with exactly the opposite situation. It has bee a learning experience. Here is what I found. Get the plug converter, they are cheap. Do not get the voltage regulater, it is a waste of time. Try to find a place online that sells the proper bulb with the proper base which is the smaller base then in the USA. There is a very nice dealer on ebay who sells out of Australia who I found very helpful. They can point you in the right direction. His email is easebris@optusnet.com.au. The online light bulb places are here: . Also try on ebay as well. Hope this helps.
chhers guys. i haven't bought anything US yet but probably will at some point, so useful to know!
i have been trying to find a 230V bulb for the fluidium i bought in USA. The USA fluidium's bulb base is wider than the one from UK.

any one know what is the dimension for UK size and USA size?? E14, E17?

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