Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I was at spencer's the other day and they sold me their display grande for $49! I'm pretty sure it is an older USA made lamp because of the differences between it and a brand new grande that I recently purchased.
Anyway, while I was there the clerk referenced a huge lava lamp that they used to sell at Spencer's years ago for somewhere around the $300 range..... What lamp is he talking about? Would it be the Humungo that is listed on Lavaworld's FAQ page? http://www.lavaworld.com/faqs.cfm

I've searched all over the net and have yet to find any info or pictures of a Lava Humungo. Does anybody here know of them?? I'm really curious as to how big the lamp must be if it uses a 200W bulb!

Thanks for any help!!

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I am thinking that the humungo is about the same size as the colossus because I seem to recall someone on one of the forums saying that their globe from the colossus was stamped with the humungo name. Am I remembering that right?
Yes. You're remembering that right. From what I understand, the humungo was over $3,000.00. It looks the same as the Colossus, but the globes were hand-made in Germany and the rest of the lamp was made somewhere other than China. I've only heard good things about the Humungo
sweet. what color?
so does that mean, that if you find a black base, it is a giant/mega, not a grande?
I see now the difference. I looked it up on my model number list. The giants were made in black or silver, same color globes as the grande, plus a clear/red. The grandes only come in silver. Also the model numbers are different.

Hmmmm.  It says Humugo on my base AND made in China.

Spence541 said:

Just ot recap -

Giant/Mega - 250oz black base USA made
Grande - 250oz silver base China made

Humongo - 10 Gallon USA Made
Colossus - 10 Gallon China Made
I recently aquired a Humungo which also says made in china on the base. I couldn't find the proper 200 watt bulb so I tried a 250. After about 5-6 hrs. it exploded. So lesson learned. Then I noticed that the coil was twisted maybe stretched a little at one point. Can this be replaced? I have more questions but am I asking in the right place?

Congratulations on the Humungo!  If I remember right, some late Humungo's had the base made in China but still were filled in Chicago with German made globes.  I might be wrong on that though.

As far as the bulb, do you mean that the 250 watt bulb exploded?  Maybe just a bad bulb as several members here use 250 watt bulb on their Humungo/Colossus lamps.  You might have to set the dimmer below max though.  I wouldn't worry about the coil unless it proves to be a real problem.  The bigger globes aren't the easiest to open and re-seal, plus the wax has to be melted to get the coil out.  If you do decide to redo the coil you should be able to just untwist it and reuse it.

Finally, opening a new discussion would be easier for you to track responses

Thank you for responding. Yes it was the bulb that exploded. Ok so I'll try another. But as far as the coil, once the wax has melted I would have to break the seal to untwist it right? So I will take your advice and open a discussion and see who can help me. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction I cant wait to see this baby in motion its gonna be humongous.....I hope

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