Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all, long time listener first time caller - I got an old lamp from eBay, it came without any electrics in it at all, it's a bit of a project - tried the local DIY shops for bulbs and fittings to no avail. So I thought I'd ask the experts directly and then go get it sorted. The power lead isn't a problem, nor is the bulb really, but the bulb holder is. I'm guessing it's a small brass fitting that would do the job, but I haven't found any references to this aspect of the lamps anywhere. I saw you can get 14mm bulb caps, that sounds about right, but does anyone know a supplier for the holders?

Sorry I don't have any pictures, but the eBay auction URL is HERE. It's a Crestworth Trading lamp from way back when. The mix looks pretty messed up too, once it's actually on, we'll see about refreshing that, but first things first.

Any and all help and advice gratefully received. Hope to hear from you all soon!


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Ah, thank you - I wondered about the mix, it does look pretty messed up! I'll contact Mathmos, see if they can do me a fitting. Once I can switch it on, I'll see how the lava fares...

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