Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

This show is so painful, I can't help but watch it......

Did anyone catch the lava lamp in Jim's bedroom in the episode where Jim throws a party but does not invite Michael? For sure there is a yellow/red by the window - it seemed to be on, but it was not flowing. I think there was one on his desk as well but one of my kids kept walking in front of the tv while I was trying to catch a glimpse.

Any other lava on tv sightings?

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I'm sure I saw a couple of Lava Grandes the other night on a game show here in the UK. I was quite surprised to see them. The whole time the show ran for these Grandes as I think they were (they were slightly obscured in the back of the set) didn't really flow at all though clearly looked switched on. I was more fascinated by them than I was of the game show itself. I can't remember the name of the show though. They both had green lava but it was frustrating as it looked like they would flow soon but never did. I wonder if anyone else here in the UK saw this show?
Check out my pics for British tv sitcom lava lamp sightings!
That's the show..cheers John
Good memory John. It's fun to spot them on tv i think. I saw an unusual french glitter on video tape tonight 'The fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin' tv comedy (1977) it was on his boss C.J.'s desk. C.J always had nice lamps in his office. Very 70's designer stuff.
LOST, Season 2, !st episode, there is a working red/clear lamp in the hatch with Desmond.
Yes I did see the lamp.
I'm not sure who will remember this TV show...I know I don't even though it was on the air while I was growing up.

Mother Goose Rock N' Rhyme


I was watching it here on You Tube. Somehow I stumbled upon it and noticed there is a blue/white Midnight sitting on the News Reporters' desk.
Watch the video or skip to 3:45 and you'll see it on his desk.
Is that cool or what? lol

There's a Crestworth Rocket lamp on the mantlepiece in 'Game On' (mid-90's British sit com starring gorgeous Samantha Janus) See u tube.
I see it! Good catch! I watched the video with no sound - what an experience!

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