Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I can't find the post but someone wanted to see if we could find lava lamps on tv, movies, print ads.
Just saw one.

ABC.com full episode player, 5/5/08 DWTS, first commerical break, Discover card, lava lamp next to the computer, dead center, 32z silver base/cap, yellow/orange, still caught mid flow, hazy.


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Sharper Image ad in the January 2014 issue of Playboy.

Now where's the one with a naked man in it for the gals???!!!!!

VOXul, I have to say it.  That's just obscene.  I mean did you notice the price is $49.99?  That much money for a $20.00 lamp is absolutely vulgar!!

I guess sharper image is the middle man so has to up the price to make a profit....and besides don't you see...it has a photoshopped naked lady in it, lololololol!!!!

I am honestly surprised that store stays in business. They are no longer pioneers in the OH DAYUM THAT IS AN AWESOME....THING market. Like a Skymall that is peppered in various retail outlets, anything seen on T.V., we have some version of it with our name on it!

Or it could always have been a Lava Lite produced spot in which they sold ad space within their own ad. The only willing party to step up and buy ad space was Sharper Image just so they could brand the thing...clever girl Sharper Image. I say we bring the ad in and tell them that we will overpay for the lamp IF it flows just like the ad depicts. OK enough with this ad.                ad. 

I didn't even know Sharper Image was around anymore!!!

Just watched Prince perform on SNL (on my Tivo) from last night's episode with Chris Rock. Prince's keyboard player had twelve flowing 52oz lava lamps under his keyboard. Don't have a screenshot but was pretty impressive.

Nice catch Chuck! Those glasses are serious too!  I managed to snag a screen cap off NBC.

ChuckM said:

Just watched Prince perform on SNL (on my Tivo) from last night's episode with Chris Rock. Prince's keyboard player had twelve flowing 52oz lava lamps under his keyboard. Don't have a screenshot but was pretty impressive.

That's hot!!!!!

via Lava Lamp facebook page



ChuckM said:

Just watched Prince perform on SNL (on my Tivo) from last night's episode with Chris Rock. Prince's keyboard player had twelve flowing 52oz lava lamps under his keyboard. Don't have a screenshot but was pretty impressive.

video link


ChuckM said:

Just watched Prince perform on SNL (on my Tivo) from last night's episode with Chris Rock. Prince's keyboard player had twelve flowing 52oz lava lamps under his keyboard. Don't have a screenshot but was pretty impressive.

I can't believe I missed that when I watched it!

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