Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

hi guys, i came across this listing on ebay and it just dont seem right to me, i know there are loads of talented gooers on here that might be able to shed some light on it 250253516415 is the item number

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That guy has been trying to sell that lamp for as long as I have been here. At least a month from what I recall. Price was super high, but he has brought it down some. STILL too high IMO.
this lamp isn't that rare.
The seller wouldn't use such a huge font unless he meant it. And it's sperm white too according to him. Much better than dung brown or bloody nose red, if you keep track of bodily fluid colored lava lamps. And it is so cheap at only $149 pounds.


i've seen a bunch of people selling 'one off' colours and tbh they might be but unless some of those guys bought a one off colour every week from mathmos and stockpiled them, i can't quite beleive that the same people can keep them coming like that.

i'd be very wary and suspect tampering.

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