Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi Everyone

I'm a goon00by and really need help with this one. She was recently given to me. Her cap has been off and the contents tampered with. I would really love to restore her to her former glory. I have pored off the old 'water' and refilled it with clean 'water' . The 'wax' is sitting at the top and it looks like it is full of air bubbles. I have taken two photos of her. One before the water was changed and one after.

Please note. I live in an LTPAC (Little Tin Pot African Country) and access to refills etc. are not an option. I really would need as simple a solution (pun intended) as posible. I would be eternaly graetful for all the help I can get. Thank you.


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Hi Trixta,

Did you refil it with just normal water out of the tap? If so, that is your problem!! The liquid in lava lamps is not pure water. It has lots of other stuff added to it. There is a way of refiling them with a "home brew"!!

The following link may help:


Yes. Unfortunately I only found that once I had filled it with distilled water and as the problem seems to be that the 'lava' is not sinking the added salt or Epson Salts (magnesium sulphate) is not the problem as this is used to make the water 'heavier'. I think my problem is that the 'Lava' is too light. So I take it that it's off to fined Perchloroethylene for me.
Ok. Made some calls and eventually tracked down the culprit. From what I could get out of the perpetrator is that the following was added to the globe. Salt, (probably iodised), dish washing liquid, a wax crayon and a large piece of candle wax.

Any taker on a solution??
Ok. So after much deliberation, The "Start-from-scratch" option is the one I have embarked on. Found most of the ingredients in our small town. Three small problems 1) only found propylene glycol antifreeze and 2) beaded wax. Which is taking very long to melt, so I’ve added some petroleum jelly and paraffin to "thin it out a bit. 3) no candle dye in this town. Going to try oil based paint and see what happens. If not it'll be another week before I can get it from the nearest city.
Jar has had 1/2 kg beach sand and fresh water in it and shaken for 45 min as a scrub and then, well rinsed. The metal mesh gauze has been well washed with boiling water and soap, dried and replaced.
The propylene glycol and water test solutions are standing by for the melted wax solution.
Ok So round one. The water went all murky and the wax! The wax was all wrong. Don't use granular wax. It has, I think a binding agent of some sort and the beads just stick together and create balls in the ooze. Still no candle dye, so I went for blue candles. They were the only coloured one's I could find. As for the propylene glycol. I found some pure glycol at the radiator repair shop.

Found some pure salt at the health shop. None was to be found at the supermarket. So health salt it had to be. See the photo of ooze test. 100% accurate.

Just waiting for the ooze to cool so I can add the distilled water, supplied by the local machanic.

Take a look at the photo's while we wait.
I totally understand what you are saying about the cheaper option. But considering I have plenty of time on my hands and delight in finding interesting things to do with said time and I learn something new and interesting at the same time. Guess what? I prefer doing it this way. But thank you for the advice anyway. If I become to frustrated I'll probably do just that.

It's going well, except for the floaters, running the water through a filter as I type this.
I think we're almost there. She's rising to a blob, no more, but I'm going to give her the night off to settle. She may need a small amount of salt water for lunch tomorrow. She's a little murky but I think she'll clear.

PS I think I may have put in too much ooze. Do you think that's a problem or will she just take a long time to get going?
Okidoky. So she's been on for 30 min. Have a look-see at the photo. Crystal clear but Oh so slow....

Ps The Ooze is Blue and not Purple I think it's the colour balance on my camera. Next update at lunchtime.
Lift off. We have lift off..... But........in one big blob. Photo to follow once I've cleaned her up. Salt streaks down the side.
Oops. Be sure to be adding the right water. I kept adding salt water thinking it was distilled. Now I need to get the balance right again. Ok the ooze is down again. let's wait for it to heat up again.
Wow you have the patience of a saint. Good luck anyway Trixta. I admire your spirit.

So near yet so far,,,, First a photo or two (For the record)
1) What I started with.
2) Where I'm at now.
Please note. It's still a work in progress.

Thanx for the word of encouragement Jerome Dopson. It's not so much patience. My lady is out of town on work for two months and I'd much rather do something interesting and challenging that sit in front of the brain numbing box.

Ok now for some expert advice. My ooze is not sticking to the wire mesh at the bottom and it seems to prefer staying in one blob. The burning question. Should or shouldn't I add a minuscule amount of soap to break the surface tension of the ooze. Any takers?

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