I'm a goon00by and really need help with this one. She was recently given to me. Her cap has been off and the contents tampered with. I would really love to restore her to her former glory. I have pored off the old 'water' and refilled it with clean 'water' . The 'wax' is sitting at the top and it looks like it is full of air bubbles. I have taken two photos of her. One before the water was changed and one after.
Please note. I live in an LTPAC (Little Tin Pot African Country) and access to refills etc. are not an option. I really would need as simple a solution (pun intended) as posible. I would be eternaly graetful for all the help I can get. Thank you.
Ah! All this time I was wondering if there was a difference between the coil and the mesh that everyone spoke off. If only we knew what questions to ask in life, it would make things so much simpler. Thank you Bohad. Much appreciated..
Wow, and how did it work. Oh yes!
Just need her to cool down, ...again... and get out some of the soap. It's all a bit runny. Soon, soon my friend she will be well gain.
I've just got to tell everyone. I'm so excited. She's been on for 12 hours and still going strong. I am so proud and I had a lot of fun doing it. I do have a short Vid but no time to upload today so it will have to be next week. Not an ideal shot but will do one next week.
Hope you all have an orsm weekend.
Form a happy ooze junky.