Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi All!!

I have a problem with one of my Mathmos Jet's. It has been flowing fine for many years and it seems to have stopped flowing for some reason. After about an hour or so it starts to flow like normal, then it just stops!! The lava collects at the bottom of the vase and bulges up like it about to start flowing but just stays there.

On closer inspection the lava appears to rise slightly above the metal coil in the bottom of the vase. Do you think this could be the problem as the lava isn't getting heated properly?

Does anyone know how I can fix this?

Many thanks in advance!!!

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how do we clean the coil??? need to pour every thing out???
oh u meant electric coil to the bulb? i was thinking coil spring inside the bottle. :S
Hi, thanks for your help. What is the best way to remove the coil from the vase? Sorry, I have not tried this sort of thing before.

Hi Bohdan,

Many thanks for the advice!! I will have to give it a go!!

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