I ordered mine from Target cause they were offering the free shipping. I have the purple/red grande already that I bought at wal-mart a couple of years back and its crystal clear. My new purple/yellow arrived 2 days ago and looked clear until it started melting. I have been running long enough to melt the entire wax and then shutting it back off to let it cool completely then turning it back on. I can see a slight change but Im afraid it might take awhile. The wax also dont do a whole lot but spurt small bubbles but most of it stays at the bottom. Im hoping the cycling process will eventually correct the problem. My numbers on the cap are 040829.
I got one in May. I let it sit in a dark cool place for 3 weeks. It cleared just a smidge. Since then have been cycling it. No go so far. Mine is so cloudy the lava can barely be seen.
Mine is cloudiest in the very bottom middle part. I think I have seen some improvement. I read where someone on here said to clear the Grande globes the best method is to turn them on for 1 hour and then turn them off and let them completely cool. I have been doing this method and I think it is improving. Supposedly leaving them on for a hour gets the liquid warm enoungh, not the wax, to make it lighter than the small wax particles which cause the cloudiness to fall back down and increase clarity.