Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Sadly im thinking of getting rid of some of my collection, it breaks my heart. Times are tough and priorities are priorities.... i have an alladin, saturna, americana many ceramics. black,gold and silver centuries plus many many more. anyone interested before they get listed on ebay?

unfortunately they have to go to feed my habit

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I need a century 100, circa 1975 blue/green lamp w/brass trim and small holes in the base. It's to replace 1 that I broke-my friend's.

I'm not sure what size the glass part was-looks like the base is approx. 6-7" high.

If you have any that sound similar I'd love to know. I guess it could be a different year than 1975, anything close may work.

Thanks-Ellen Wingate wingatee@comcast.net
Post some links when you get the chance. I'll check them out. Thanks.
Hi there. It's a shame to hear you need to let some of your collection go. Keep what you absolutely love! If not, you'll regret it. But of course, we all understand that sometimes we just have to do what we have to do. I hope that you'll be able to keep some of your favorites.

I would be interested in the Aladdin and/or the Saturna. I don't know if I could afford them or not. Do you have any prices in mind? If you wish, you may email me at kaaraa99@hotmail.com. If you really don't know about prices and you need the money, you should just put them up on eBay and let the highest bidder get them. Yes, we'd rather get a good price for them here without all the hassle, but maybe you'd raise more $ on eBay. Do what you got to do. If you need any help, please let us know. Thanks and sorry about your situation - I can't say that I am far behind. Best, Jen P.
im afraid my habit is 1968-1979 vw busses. i wish there was a 12 step program
I emailed you this morning and it did not bounce back to me. Check your email - as you have not responded to mine as of yet? Thanks.
thinking of going the ebay route, its so hard to actually get up yhe nerve to do it. rob
there must be a vw fanatic that feels my pain?
although still being a lavaholic i am still oen to trades
Ha! I had a 68 vw bus named Happy Bus. Had Happy for 27 years, 5 heart transplants and finally had to let her go when her gear box fell out on the road while driving! I miss her to this day.
well, before thet go on ebay, anyone want to make fair offers. the americana, alladin, and saturna. will be first on the block. i will wait a day before listing. please offer the price you would be willing to pay. thanks rob
Leeder, which Icons do you have to give up?

Good luck on the sales, I hope you get enough for groceries for a year!

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