Hi John - I recently bought a lava lamp on eBay UK and the Seller is reticent to send it to me here in the States. Astrobaby says that you're a true gent and Jonas also said you might be willing to help me out. I was wondering if perhaps you might be able to receive the package from the Seller and forward it on to me here in the States. I am NOT in a hurry for this at all. Obviously, I would be willing to pay you the shipping and insurance, as well as anything it costs if you would need to repack it, etc. I would additionally be able to offer a small compensation of perhaps 10 to 20 pounds. If this is too much trouble, that is completely understandable, so just tell me the truth. I know it's a lot to ask, but I would be willing to do you a few additional favors over time and perhaps even find you something you're looking for here in the States. Sorry you're having internet/email problems. You can leave your answer here or on my comment page. Thanks for at least considering it.
Jen P.
Hi John, It's ok - I completely understand (it is a pain) - I can especially understand that it would be a lot worse now without proper email and internet. Yes, I asked Astrobaby, and he said no - since I guess he had some kind of nightmare with a package before - he did not elaborate. Yes, I emailed the buyer before I would bid (since I don't want to make life difficult for anyone). The buyer replied with an email and told me what the shipping would be to send it to me here in the US. Then I sent some packing instructions that Astrobaby sent me (very complicated and detailed) since this will be my first lamp - so I know nothing about packing). I guess this was what freaked out the seller and now she doesn't want to ship to me here in the US.
So - not to worry - I will find someone else, try to force the seller to ship to me, or I will lose the lamp. It's a silver glitterball - so I hope I can get it as I really want one. However, whatever will happen will happen and was meant to be.
I do appreciate you getting back to me and being honest with me. Thanks.
I'm not bad on computers - if there's anything I can help with, please let me know. Also, if there's anything over here in the US that you would like me to look for, that offer stands.
Jen P.