Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Somebody is selling what is supposed to be mathmos replacement liquid for astros, babies, jets and telstar. I'm wondering about the legitimate of his claim, does anyone here know something about this?

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That's what I figured about this liquid.

I tried today to use a blue astro liquid (from a blue/blue (wich I find too much dark and doesn't let appreciate the wax movement) on an astro baby clear/white someone sold to me on ebay without telling me that the wax was heavy used (after 3 hours of motion it becomes translucent ish) and bubbling (big and small ones).
It worked well and astonishingly, the wax improved, at least on the bubble department, they kind of all nearly disappeared, leaving only tiny, tiny ones. I ended with a nice light blue and white wax, like the one produced early by Mathmos. With the translucent effect of the wax my baby was reborn. Cool!

Now, I've to find some clear liquid to refill the astro as clear/blue are kind of rare and I find them really pretty. Maybe some day I'll try a light red/blue or a yellow/blue one... I don't know.

The next try is a yellow liquid and green wax, but I want to produce a yellow like pollen not like curry. Somebody here suggested to give a try to printer ink, I'll give a look.

Thank for your answer!

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