Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

hi guys
i have one of these great lamps but i have not got the perspex stand that came with it, the problem i have is i am going to try and make one myself, and was wondering if anyone has the dimentions of an original base please

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Me again! I've done what I should have done before the last question, tried it to find out. Indeed it is a WinAce archive and I have now extracted your two .png files. A great pair showing a shape pretty much as I expected from the photo I have and the vital dimensions. Thanks again IdOrU 02. I will go and see my sign maker early next week.
IT is rather a winrar archive, you can find winrar installer with trial mode or buy a license (for what is considered to be one of the best archiver) for cheap.
Hi to all you watchers of this topic. I'm not quite sure at what point to add my further comments so hopefully this will be seen by all interested. I went to see the local sign maker yesterday and had a chat with him. It turns out we both have classic cars so I think that broke down the client-customer thing a bit and I think I got a reasonably straight story. It works like this: The local man will produce a CNC file to control the cutting machine from the drawing and dimensions that IdOrU 02 has kindly provided. He will charge for that and it is his "cut" (no pun intended) for the job . He estimates about £20-£25 which doen't seem unreasonable as it's a good hour or so of work at the PC. He then sends the CNC file to a plastics company in Liverpool who will laser cut as many pairs as I, or is that we, order. I don't yet have a price for this bit of the job. Clearly the more I can order for anyone else who is interested the smaller everyones contribution to the £20-25 for producing the file is and the price per pair goes down. If only a two or three sets are to be made perhaps some may think the cost is too high already but I will continue to follow this up anyway. There is (isn't there always!) a minor complication. He is just about to move his business to a bigger workshop so he can't do anything for a couple of weeks. He is however prepared to introduce me to the plastic cutter if I can get the CNC file done elsewhere. Any Computer Aided Design specialists out there? I have some simple CAD software on my PC which looks as if it will produce files in the right format so I will have a play, but without any great expectation. On the topic of Perspex/Lexan which was raised, he recommends Perspex. He says it cuts with a laser to leave a polished edge. Lexan is a bit stronger but doesn't cut with this clean edge and is also slightly milky or at least becomes so with age. As a final though, it ocurrs to me that the CNC file might be my/our intellectual property and if so that could go on flowoflava too, as well as the drawings as astrobaby suggested. Keep watching this space (somewhere in the Galaxy!)

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