Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi guys,
Always wanted a lava lamp and finally got given one for my birthday last week. Turned around to see my 5 year old nephew playing with it last night. He's kinda shaken it and now it's stuffed. And yes I'm devestated. Now everwhere else I read tells me shaken globes are useless. Yet I've read a few articles on here that tells me that it's fixable. However, everyone seems to keep metioning "cloudy" globes. My globe isn't really cloudy. The wax has gone funny and is floating at the top of the globe. I have included a photo to show you. If anyone knows how to fix it, i would greatly appreciate any help. Otherwise, if it is stuffed then i guess i'll have to go buy another one. Thanks.

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Pour the liquid into a clean container. leave the lava in the globe, turn on the light and let the lava melt. let it cool and harden, pour the liquid back in. Turn the light back on for a few hours and reseal.

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