Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Here's a picture of my Elegant collection:

From left to right: Flock Elegant, Flock Elegant Planter, Elegant Glitterlite, Elegant Planter, Elegant.

It took me 10 years to find them all!!

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For rarity value, probably the flocked planter, but I like the non-flocked planter too, in fact I love them all!
The name fits the lineup very well. Very Elegant.

Fantastic!! I love these models. You have, indeed, one of every known variety, no mean feat considering the rarity of the Glitterlite and flocked models. Are all the lavas original and, if so, what colors? "Mist" (cloudy) liquid was a hallmark of these, and was intended as such by the factory. Any chance of a shot with all flowing? This yellowish-green color flock was apparently called Mexicali Avocado, and a wholesale catalog noted the finish as "scratch-resistant velvetone". A friend of mine does flocking using loose flock, spray-on glue, and a Van de Graaf generator to attract the flock to the tacky surface - I'm tempted to make one from a standard Midnight, though it'll never match the 'cool' factor of the real thing.

"Elegant" is not the right model name - technically these are Enchantresses - but the name fits perfectly, and differentiates them from the later ones. This name came from a photocopy of an ad, sent to me by Lava-Simplex in the early 90s (the first old stuff I ever saw, introducing me to the wild and crazy world of lava lamps unlike the ones sold new at that time). The ad showed both vase and planter in brass, and had a description but no model name, only "Elegant" in huge script at the top. I assumed it was the model, so that's what I called them.
Yes, DJ, there are flock-finished Elegants - I've seen Mexicali Avocado (a cross between pale mustard yellow and chartreuse green) as well as orange and rust red.

If I ever try to do one, I'll sand and prime a Midnight base and a steel cap, and try to mimic the yellow-green flocking. If I ever actually try this, I wanna find one of those yellow lava/green liquid bottles, and find a safe way to haze the liquid.
All original except for the plain finished planter (it was a burned out blue/green, originally). The others are orange/yellow. I've yet to find one in a "mist".

The glitterlite is a green color, the only one I've seen in that color.

The flock planter was a real score. I found it in an antique mall in Edmonton. I've been going there for nearly 10 years, and this was the first lava lamp I ever saw there. I just about had a heart attack when I saw it on the shelf! Especially when I saw the price: a little over $30!!

The palin finished "Elegant" was the last one. I got it a couple of months ago.

I have a French version of the Elegant, with a gold colored plated flared base. The only one I've ever seen.

I can't stop coming back to this delightful picture

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