Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

My new (and only) Christmas present lamp has a sticking problem: When the lava floats to the top, it sticks to the glass where the air starts and the water ends. Sometimes it just forms a ring, and sometimes it's a ring with a half-bubble hanging off of it, and sometimes a sizable glob gets attached to the bottom of it, but the bottom line is that I don't like it. Mercifully, it's high enough that I usually can't see it under the cup that sits on top, but I can't help myself from peeking under the cup to see if it's still there. When the lamp cools, it sometimes falls down on it's own if there's enough attached to it, or I can tilt the globe and set it straight again and it disconnects and sinks to the bottom. Other times it just sits at the top with a smug look on it's face.

I have already fussed over the lamp a good deal due to troubles with air bubbles and water bubbles. In the process I have loosened the cap, poked around inside it, added a bit more water, attached a dimmer and maybe some other stuff I can't remember. The long and short of it is that I'm willing to mess with it if this is not normal. (It actually works pretty good now, save for the goo ring.)

I don't have the packaging anymore, but I think it's from China. Well, actually it's from Menard's. I guess technically, it's from my mom, but she got it from Menard's and they probably got it from China, or at least a distributer that... well you get the idea.

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