Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

A lesson in how to slow down... in dedication of fellow member Alpha Centauri..

So we all know how giddy and how excitement can overwhelm you when that package arrives... Well let me say... STOP take a moment.. and slow down. When my Fantasia arrived yesterday all I wanted to do was rip it open to make sure the fibers had survived and plug it in..so I did just that.. took a load of photos.. put em on the site, emailed with all the excitement like I just got a corvette in the mail...We had a small dinner party last night and by the time I checked in with Oozing I realized just how stupid , careless and how my excitement could have brought my home down in flames, my neighbors ( I live in a shotgun or double) at very least destroyed the lamp . So this is where I thank Alpha Cent.  he asked a question on the lamp.. so I grabbed the lamp to shoot a photo of bottom and noticed it jam packed inside the base with bubble wrap. I almost fell out.. my hands shaking at the thought of this metal, moving lighted machine with this bubble wrap in it twisting and melting inside.It was quite the feeling that I pray NONE of you experience. My hands shaking I slowly cut away and removed the bubble wrap that yes had gotten well into a melt stage and was sticking inside to various areas.. one of which was the light bulb.. Visions of my world in flames kept me sick all night...   So here is the lesson... Inspect your arrivals..I never even looked at bottom of device.. just unpacked and plugged in... never thinking the seller was smart enough to open it and baffle the inside too... We never smelled anything, I took only 3 million photos of it and was moving it angling it laying on my stomach 2 inches from it ...but it took almost 30 minutes for me to remove all the plastic melted inside. No damage to lamp except bulb had to be relplaced and the inner plastic ring that sits over color wheel also was melting and was warped up . I thought it seemed to not give off enough light at first but then thought oh when the fibers get clean it will brighten up...  now I know some of you will say dumb chic.. I would never of done that... I hope you are right... as for me and thanks to a simple little question by another member... to me this may of saved my and Doels life, my lamps and memories,,  my home,  my neighbors as well and like I said at the very least his question did save my lamp....ALPHA CENTURI . I THANK YOU

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Yes, check/inspect every nuance about the lamp when you get it, you never know what might be wrong with it.

One of my florence art co's on a wooden base had a bad socket which could have easily led to a fire if I did not replace it.

We do have all our lamps and electronics hooked through power surge units but yes a terrible oversight due to being over anxious will really open your eyes... and at the chance of being ridiculed for such obvious carelessness  I felt the need to share my potentially very dangerous oversight with everyone else too.

You're so welcome KM.


Really glad I asked a question of that lovely lamp and to have been of service.


Glad all is well too.



You're very right as well KM. There's many a time i've ripped open a new package all too eager to plug that sucker in without proper inspection of the luminary unit in question.  A lesson learnt.



do you have a fire extinguisher in the house *that is good*.  My parents had an extension cord plug that heated up and caught the curtain on fire.  Lucky for them they had an extinguisher in the kitchen and my xbrother in law put out the fire. I had an extinguisher in my house and after many years it lost pressure *it had a guage* so I bought 2 more.  I don't have a working smoke detector, which I should.  I think Mr. Moto *my Sharpei* will wake my ass up to let him out if there is a fire.


I buy a lot of vintage stereo equipment, lamps and other eletrical items.  I ususally clean and inspect them looking for shoddy repairs, evidence potenial trouble.  When I clean the electric cord I feel for nicks or guages in the cord.  However we can all make mistakes, sometimes I don't take the unit apart, but I always keep an eye out for any smoke or funny smells.


I volunteer at the Habitat for Humanity and I was testing a stereo and I smelled burning, My first response was *where is the fire extingusiher*.  I asked one of the workers and he didn't know, but he found one and showed me were the others were and the fire alrms. The smell was from someone starting a lawn mower in the building.

I told the manager that everyone that volunteers should be shown where the extinguishers and pull stations are.  Fire is bad but the smoke damage is usually worse.  I am glad that someone made you aware that the lamp may have packing material.  I have bought Fantasia lamps that the seller let me know to take out the packing. 

Usually the fiber optic lamps are bent or need attention so I usually take them apart and clean them first. While I am cleaning I look at the conditon and any repairs or saftey issues that need attention. Please get a fire extingusiher if you don't have one, they are not that expensive.

I should follow my own advice and get a smoke detector, I will think about it.  Do as I say not as I do,



Dumb chick, I would have never done that.

thats Miss Dumb chic with a hangover... THIS is why I dont drink... I am no good at it..

Hey it was my first ever Ebay purchase.. I was a bit excited ...kinda stupid and careless now that I look back...

Great question though.. We do have one fire ext. its in the kitchen...but with so much going on in my house as far as electricity I should for sure get myself another two at least..

his eyes just blow my mind... even in this shot they give their glow......I volunteered for animal control for 8 months.. bitter sweet job.. 

Jack the Reefer said:

do you have a fire extinguisher in the house *that is good*.  My parents had an extension cord plug that heated up and caught the curtain on fire.  Lucky for them they had an extinguisher in the kitchen and my xbrother in law put out the fire. I had an extinguisher in my house and after many years it lost pressure *it had a guage* so I bought 2 more.  I don't have a working smoke detector, which I should.  I think Mr. Moto *my Sharpei* will wake my ass up to let him out if there is a fire.


I buy a lot of vintage stereo equipment, lamps and other eletrical items.  I ususally clean and inspect them looking for shoddy repairs, evidence potenial trouble.  When I clean the electric cord I feel for nicks or guages in the cord.  However we can all make mistakes, sometimes I don't take the unit apart, but I always keep an eye out for any smoke or funny smells.


I volunteer at the Habitat for Humanity and I was testing a stereo and I smelled burning, My first response was *where is the fire extingusiher*.  I asked one of the workers and he didn't know, but he found one and showed me were the others were and the fire alrms. The smell was from someone starting a lawn mower in the building.

I told the manager that everyone that volunteers should be shown where the extinguishers and pull stations are.  Fire is bad but the smoke damage is usually worse.  I am glad that someone made you aware that the lamp may have packing material.  I have bought Fantasia lamps that the seller let me know to take out the packing. 

Usually the fiber optic lamps are bent or need attention so I usually take them apart and clean them first. While I am cleaning I look at the conditon and any repairs or saftey issues that need attention. Please get a fire extingusiher if you don't have one, they are not that expensive.

I should follow my own advice and get a smoke detector, I will think about it.  Do as I say not as I do,



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