Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Sorry if this has been posted before, but I couldn't find it. My question is, can you add store bought glitter to the wax in a goo kit, and it work? I'm not at all worried about some stray glitter getting loose and floating in the water, it may give it some character. I just thought it would be neat looking to buy some big glitter flakes and add it to the un-dyed wax and leave it at that. Thanks for any info.

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That's an excellent question and one I'd like to know the answer to, too!   *waits patiently*

One way to find out!!  ;-)  I'd think the small ones shouldn't screw anything up anyway.

I just ordered (1) Magma Tower Goo Kit and 1oz of 1/24 hex cut red glitter. Give me about a month, maybe less, for completed experiment. I've been a little busy lately. I will post pics as soon as possible.   

No. I demand results tomorrow. 


I wouldn't do it, unless you don't care about ruining gookit wax.. Every attempt I've seen throughout the years with mixing glitter and goo fails regardless what wax or glitter is used. The glitter always settles at the bottom and gets stuck in the coil.

How about you figure out how to make glitter lamps :)

Dr What?!, Since you are the goo kit King I may hold off on the glitter now. I didn't think the glitter would break through the wax and clog the coil. Thanks for the info. I still have to do a goo kit, so I will just go red. Thanx again Dr What?!
Dr. WHAT?! said:

I wouldn't do it, unless you don't care about ruining gookit wax.. Every attempt I've seen throughout the years with mixing glitter and goo fails regardless what wax or glitter is used. The glitter always settles at the bottom and gets stuck in the coil.

How about you figure out how to make glitter lamps :)

No problem :)

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