Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

An esteemed member has been featured in NY Magazine

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how can I get in touch with him?

Michael skidmore

That is quite the collection.

As I am a new member, I just read this article.  I found it funny when he made the statement about lava lamp collecting being addicting and that people that are broke spend the last of their money on lamps.  I'm thinking omg this is sooo me!!!  Although I was just recently laid off from work and hubbie just started a new job, i'm thinking, oh, it's only 20.00.  Oh, it's only another 40.00!!!  and I may not get the opportunity to get this lamp!!!  omg, at least I KNOW i'm NORMAL!!  That statement really made me feel better.  Like I'm not doing anything wrong!!  lol

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