Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Howdy.  Firstly, I'd like to say thank you for allowing me into your community.  I'm Steve, and I'm sort of getting back into Lava Lamps after having come across a couple of my old lamps (a #2125 and #2104 from about 15 years ago). I started out my Lava journey with a #5624 back in high school, and unfortunately, I have no clue what happened to it after college (I could kick myself for not knowing; I loved that lamp).  Currently getting ready to refresh the surf in the #2104 and convert the #2125 into a #2135 with the help of Stardust Lamps, and I have a #5119 coming in tomorrow, so my little collection is growing, and hopefully will continue to grow as the years go on.

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Yes, thanks for your intro and may I take this opportunity on welcoming you to this, the original site for all things Lava and Glitter lamp with a few other fancy lamps thrown in for good measure!

If you cherish some of the worlds most insane lamps you've come to the right place.  

Welcome aboard!

Welcome from lava lab creations

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