Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Anyone have a '90s Orange White #05 or Red/Yellow #02 for sale?

Hello everyone.  I hope you are all doing well.  It has been quite some time (years) since I have posted on this site, but my lava obsession is back lol.  Unfortunately, I sold off my entire collection about 3 years ago.  I am looking for a #05 '90s orange white globe or #02 red/yellow.  Ideally, both globes would be from 1994-1996.  I am assuming due to inflation, lamp prices on ebay have skyrocketed.  Some of these lamps are priced at around $200.  Please excuse my ignorance if that is the going price for 32oz USA made globes in 2022.I remember when midnight lava lamps were priced between $10-40.  Boy were those the days. 

Thank you & Happy Holidays!!!  

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