Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Anyone know where I can get a 120V 60Hz 40 watt type R14 Intermediate base CLEAR Flood Light Bulb?

I recently bought a used 30" tall cylinder type lava lamp.  The bulb didn't work.  I didn't think it would be a problem to find a replacement, but it has proved to be just that.  I can't find one with a clear bulb.  The first thing I found was the same kind with a frosted bulb.  The lava rose about 6 inches and then just sat on the bottom of the tube, barely moving.  Not enough heat, I guess.  I've tried other clear bulbs, somebody suggested a 40 watt microwave oven bulb, someone else a 40 watt high intensity appliance bulb, etc.  None of them has worked.  Anybody know where I can get one - 120V 60Hz 40 watt type R14 Intermediate base Clear Flood Light bulb?  I'd sure appreciate it.  I have a real nice lamp I can't use right now. 

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I thought i saw some at home depot the other day.

And there is one on ebay right now under lava lamps

No kidding, I'll take a look.  Thanks, Jack.

I took a look at the ones on ebay-I've seen those before.  They're all frosted.  I left a message with one of the sellers asking if they have clear R14 bulbs.  Wish me luck.

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