Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Just recentley purchased some mathmos astros and noticed white specks inside the glass. Are all mathmos lava lamps like this? I can only see them when the lamp is on. There was also a small indention on the globe that looked pretty nasty. Thanks

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i have these little sparkling points one nearly all my lamps. some got them less and some more. indentions in the bottle's glass is also nothing abnormal. even mathmos says that "to have small air bubbles and moulding scars" in the glass is normal.
...and imho the sparkling can look very nice.
these are just moulding scars that go away the more you use the lamp. sometimes its best to leave the bottle to stand as it's been moved about in transport. I have had a few mathmos lamps like this.
Im only going by the instructions and mathmos advice. These item are hand made and not alway 100%. I have owned mathmos for 10 years and have had no trouble with them. Im just stateing what it says!
Hey, thanks for all the replies, i just wanted to make sure that my globes wasn't bad. I guess the little sparkles do look o.k. and the scar gives it character. :)

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