Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Are the Giant/Grande lamps going to discontinued? And some other questions

After seing  a black Mathmos Astro with a globe of Purple liquid and red wax, I'm looking for a Grande that has the same lava / liquid combo. But im not even sure if a red lava / purple liquid exist? If not, I'm thinking that a yellow wax or pink wax with purple liquid is a close enough match. But in my search I've noticed that it seems to be harder and harder to find those even on eBay. Their own website lists their Grande lamps as out of stock. Are they going to discontinue the Grande? I've attached a picture of the color combo on the Mathmos lamp.. Its just so nice.

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Does those ones ship to Denmark?

I did not check

Da9L said:

Does those ones ship to Denmark?

It appears that both Spencer's and Lampsplus offer International shipping -  



If I were you I would try to find a seller closer to you ( like from the UK ) as Grandes typically do not travel well.

I would be very surprised if a Grande could ship from the USA to Denmark without it's liquid going cloudy.

From what I understand, the Grandes are not going to be discontinued. I recently spoke to a company representative that specifically told me they (lavalamp.com) will be getting more of them in in October.

Great, looking forward to it.

Happened to find a single seller in the UK that still had those things.. All the other sellers i found that shipped internationally, either listed them as discontinued or just didnt get the anymore..

For others this was where i got it from


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