Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Well here we go. Saturday night excitement!


As I received it Wednesday:


Globe is in bad shape and stuck in the base. Took some WD40 to get it out. Cap is flaking.




What decade do you think this spider is from?

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I have another globe with liquid/lava I might use if this one doesn't work out. I'm too afraid to filter it though, as I had mixed results last time I did that.

Keith said:
Hopefully it will work out.  I hate dumping old lava, in fact I have a few globes that probably should be emptied but I don't want to give up on them, lol

Erin said:

It does, doesn't it! 


The fluid isn't clearing up at all, but I'm continuing to cycle it several times a day. 

Globe cleaned. Let the degreaser sit in it for over 24 hours. Shook it up several times. Rinsed out thoroughly with hot water. 

Put in some of the liquid then poured in the hot wax. Now waiting for it to cool. 

And we have movement! No lava sticking for now and globe still cloudy, but I'm just going to let it run free for awhile. 


Mateo insisted on being in this photo.


Question for the pros - can I top this off with distilled water or is that a no-no?
Thanks Waggs. :) It was a little clearer in the eBay pic, so I do think I'll clear a little. Fingers crossed.
Take it from someone who ruined a flowing consort...dont add anything to the lamp. They are only 16oz and anything added seems to ruin them.

Thanks for the tip Autumn. I won't touch it.

Well, Capri pants is all fixed up and ready for his new home. I just apparently don't really care for Consort-globed lamps! LOL


Erin said:

Put in some of the liquid then poured in the hot wax. Now waiting for it to cool. 




Hey Erin, what does doing this process help to do?  Remove the cloudiness?  The end product looks incredible!

I only did this to address the sticking. The lava was stuck in many places. That problem is fixed, but the lamp still remains cloudy. Thanks for the compliment!

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