Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

The heat from the bulb makes it move pretty cool stuff!

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Thanks for the link! Not too expensive, either!

The Blob said:

A few years ago, someone here (don't remember who) filled a lava bottle with pearly dishsoap or handsoap and it had similar swirly effects when heated on a base. I did find a site that sells a concentrated rheoscopic fluid enough to make 2 gallons here:


I could just throw a 60 watt or lower in the grade base

Dr. WHAT?! said:

Trev, I did read some where that this stuff will fry out if too much heat is applied to it. So a grande bulb may kill it, but you also don't need heat to make it move, I thought one of those water bubble lamp would look cool with this fluid in it.

Metallica man Trevor said:

I have a grande globe I mite try this

I wonder what it would look like in that cyclone lamp

As the blob mentioned someone made one using pearlized soap, well that was me. And I tried it in a the cyclone lamp and all it created was bubbles but when it was in there, it was moving a little too fast so the full effect wasn't all there. I even tried it in a bubble lamp and of course it made a insane amount of bubbles. I'm think with this stuff (not having soap in it) would look really good on a bubble lamp But a cyclone lamp still maybe too fast moving to get the full effect.

It could be really neat if someone figured out how to achieve this effect in the wax of a regular lamp.

and where does one acquire rheroscopic fluid? I'm in the south and the guy at the hardware store just gets a strange look on his face when i ask.

David Johnson said:

and where does one acquire rheroscopic fluid? I'm in the south and the guy at the hardware store just gets a strange look on his face when i ask.

I have made this kind of thing in a bottle for years. only flows when you swirl it by hand though . the liquid can be made MUCH CHEAPER !! Its actually a powder that artist add to their paints to make them 'shimmer' . I put a little bit of dish soap in the water and that powder but i was just thinking maybe you can use glycerine or even Polyox lubricant to thicken the water . I will try to find the jar of powder and take a photo of it for anyone interested .

Someone mentioned making lava wax shimmer like this . I saw a 'silver' wax lava on here that the guy made with silver sharpies , could you just add a few to a colored wax and have the same effect ?

A friend of mine invented those. :p

How to make a cloud lamp

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