Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I just picked up a Black and Gold squiggle Aristocrat. Was beyond cloudy when I purchased it and has gotten worse and the wax has separated. I am wanting to do a refill. would it be best to try to use the distilled water, Epsom, and soap method or just go with a goo kit from magma. I do understand I need to fix the original wax by boiling. looking for opinions on both methods and or one I may not know about.



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Try the home fix on it.  The method you mention has been used successfully by many here.  I haven't use that method, I use propylene glycol instead of salt.  Both methods do work, both are trial and error to get the flow you desire.

You can always try a gookit later if needed.

You know, I would like to learn more about this "HOME" method as I can get all the stuff locally and easily as oppose to ordering online which I am not big one.

What is the general guidelines for this home test.

I have a #27 bottle that I have been trying to sun fade for a bout a week and it seems it has not faded yet. The dark blue liquid paired with the red lava just makes it hard to see much when the bottle is being used.

I would love to change over to CLEAR fluid and use the same wax.

Got the wax boiled and back into one mass. Will be adding distilled water and salt later this eve.  should I coat globe with surfactant before adding water and salt to keep wax from sticking to globe? Thanks

I also noticed that the cap on the lamp does not only have the gold squiggle paint it also has a black squiggle paint where as the base just has the gold squiggle. At first I was not sure I liked the squiggle design but its growing on me. If the home method does not work out i am not sure what color of ooze I would choose.

Most definitely coat the globe with the surf!!!  Just to emphasize, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shane jones said:

Got the wax boiled and back into one mass. Will be adding distilled water and salt later this eve.  should I coat globe with surfactant before adding water and salt to keep wax from sticking to globe? Thanks

Thanks. I am in the stages of getting it all tweaked in.  not sure I will ever get it right but I am trying. Seems like it was before the refill that part of the wax is wanting to stay at the top. Maybe due to air bubbles in the wax.

Keith said:

Most definitely coat the globe with the surf!!!  Just to emphasize, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shane jones said:

Got the wax boiled and back into one mass. Will be adding distilled water and salt later this eve.  should I coat globe with surfactant before adding water and salt to keep wax from sticking to globe? Thanks

Few pics w wax cooling

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