Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Aaaand first post! Hey! Hi!

I'm new to the lava lamp scene but already quite obsessed. When I went through the Lava Library, my curiosity peaked at the promo image for the Midnight Lava Lite - the last row seems to show lamps with black liquid and green wax! So I went and I've tried to find pictures of lamps with black liquid, but to no avail and I am just dying of curiosity now to see one. Idk I can just imagine the wax occasionally emerging from the depths of the black liquid and in my mind that looks freakishly cool.

So yes, anyone have a lamp/pictures of a lamp with black liquid?

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I'm almost certain that this isnt black liquid as I have tried black liquid with white wax and it was barely visible...on the picture it looks a lot brighter than it actually did

Thanks for the pictures you two :) Definitely interesting, but my curiosity isn't satisfied at all hahaha! I'm hoping to get into experimenting with custom fillings once I've read up more on chemicals and formulas and such and I'll definitely try some black liquid/green wax alien stuff I think


There was a Dark Knight lamp released in the early 2010s which featured black liquid with white lava. Not sure if this is more like what you were looking for, but hope it helps!

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