Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Well.. now that I finally got the one Grande to work with Louie goo.. I was thinking of trying a Blacklight version with green or yellow... Will a 60w blacklight bulb be enough to get the lava going? Can someone post a couple of pics of a blacklight lamp so I can see what the effect is like?



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Incandescent black light bulbs are junk. They are a light bulb that is nothing more than purple. Basically they are a regular light bulb coated with a purple coating. JUNK!

The BEST black lights are compact fluorescents or fluorescent tubes. A CFL MAY emit enough heat for Loui goo. Give it a try and see.
Thanks.. I'll be real curious if a CFL will put out enough heat. Maybe extra surfactant might help as well...?
We do not offer black light yellow. We have Green, Orange, Blue and White. Below is orange, white and green.

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