Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Bought a lava lite model midnight 8409 onEbay. works but cloudy fluid, any suggestions?


I just got a used Lava Lite which was made in USA i assume it was produced 2003 or earlier. 

I have owned a couple of Lava lamps way back in the 1970s, this one is a bit smaller but seems to function the about the same.

I let it settle for a day after taking it out of the box since it was shipped.  the base has the standard 40 watt appliance bulb. 

I plugged the unit in the following day, and observed the activity. Being that this is a lamp with a smaller globe compared to the ones from the 60's & 70's,

The lava when moving towards the top of the bottle, it tends to collect in the upper half of the bottle and doesnt drop down all that much. I decided to order a 30 watt bulb and i will try that, to see if i get a better result [i.e. that the lava that goes to the top of the lamp will descend back towards the bottom.], right now one large glob seems to be floating above the bottom where the coil is, instead of dropping down.and one smaller glob tends to stay at the top and it seems to be almost in a liquid form. 

Also im wondering if there is anything to be done about clearing the liquid or should i leave well enough alone.

Any advice would be appreciated 

Thanking you

Ed G

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Two problem pop into my thoughts.  One is that the wax is not making full contact with the coil.  But I really think it is getting too hot.  A 30 watt bulb may do the trick, or you can try using an in-line dimmer to control the lamp.  You may find the sweet spot to be warmer than a 30 watt will do.

Also, room temp makes a difference.  68 to 74 F is recommended.  Make sure the lamp is not in the draft of a heater.

lavaworld2 guidelines

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