Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I am not familiar with the box in this ebay add. I assume it came out in the last 10 years when I was not paying attention. Anyone have any info for me?



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This has happened a few times now: the factory in China that's making Lava Lites released knockoffs in the same design. I think they got in some trouble for it on at least one occasion. That's what you're looking at here: a Lava Lite rebranded as a generic lamp.

Thanks for the reply Jonas!

I've never seen that box either, LB!!   But thankfully we have Jonas.  I don't think there is "anything" about lamps he doesn't know!!!   I'm beyond impressed!   

Charmless, uninspiring packaging. Give me the original vintage any day.

Thanks a lot, but I'm still learning new things every day. For example, some recent price lists taught me that the Continental (oval) and International (Capri) GemLites were likely in production until c. 1986! And what's more, the Midnight didn't appear until 1988! And many of the new things I learn are from the many other awesome lava nuts on this site.


You will forever be the guru of Lava to me! I have been using your info for 10 years or more, way back before the site changed over. Thanks again!

Thanks a lot! I found OG a loooong time ago, don't remember how long.

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