Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi everyone, I'm a newbie and still finding my way around, I looking for some help to cure my bubble problem.

I've recently really enjoyed refurbishing my first liquid-less Crestworth Astro Baby using the wax that was left in the bottle, distilled water, epsom salts and a drop of washing up liquid from a recipe I found on the net.

I'm generally well pleased with the result with the wax cycling properly (especially as her indoors likes it too) I now have 4 copper Crestworth's and two liquid-less bottles waiting for revival.

My problem is that some of the cycling wax has air bubbles in them.

I've burst all the bubbles as they reached the top but they keep re-ocuring.

Does any one have any suggestions for banishing them (other than buying a new bottle)

Appreciate any suggestions.


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Safety is never stupid, especially as Bob said, the posts can be read by all.
Carol Morrow said:

I posted because that darn episode of 1,000 Ways To Die popped in my head and I iimmediately got that visual!!!  I guess us gooheads have a thing for visuals!!!!  Now knowing you are an engineer I kind of feel stupid, lol!!!!

No one should feel stupid only me.  Carol/Brad you were absolutely right to draw my attention to what could have been misinterpreted as a method that was perceived as hazardous, perception is everything. Thank you both. Bob

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