Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I got tired of my lamps using up bench space, so I decided to build a

shelf system for my lamps in the basement.  The basement is 65 year

around.  Since the shelf is mounted to the foundation wall, I wanted to have

an insulation barrier to keep the 'cold' from the lamps.

Using basic 2x4 construction I studded out a 65" wide by 48" tall workable

area. Voids between studs were packed with 3" of polystyrene foam.  I can

already tell the difference in this corner.  I 'hung' the studs from the floor

joist with 3/8 bolts and plumed before I tacked them down with tapcons.

I also scrubbed/cleaned/sealed/painted the fondation wall behind the

shelf system.  I don't have a table saw, so I'll go to the lumber yard to

have them cut a 1/4 inch oak panel to my dimensions to cover it up.


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That's gonna look nice when the shelves go up!!!  Nice and warm/draft free for the lamps also.......what we don't do for our lavaluv!!!!!

I went to the lumber yard today to have them cut

me a panel to put up as a backer for my shelf system.

Since I'm waiting for my supply order from Menards

for the shelf hardware , I put up the panel up and am

waiting for the rest.

Going to be nice

Almost ready for lamps !

Too tired now to mess with lamps,

I don't want to make a mistake and

drop one.

Ok, I cracked ;-)

Just had to do it, but not messing with the five fluey's,

they go on the top shelf, looks like I need more room ?

Still trying to figure out the placement of my lamps.

Flues on top, just not sure on the rest....

if you are asking for advice...i used to be very symmetrical when arranging my lamps, but that became boring.  now i mix them up and it looks much better, in my opinion.  i've learned that it looks good to my eye to put a clear fluid globe next to one that is colored, and to mix up types and sizes.  looks good right now and i look forward to seeing them lit up.

It's already awesome!

As much as I tried to keep everything level and plumb, I had to tweak

the leveling of the shelf front to back.  Variances in the brackets and the

an 'not so' flat 1 x 10", I had to micro adjust by using thin washers to get

it the level just right.

Lamps are ready for the top shelf !

I wish I could take a better pic, my tri-pod won't go up high enough

to get a good pic and I can't do it free hand.

I finished up my bottom shelf.  Have way to many wires ;-)

I just wish I could take some good pic's but this is the best

I can do with my camera.

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