Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I've got a screw top red yellow century that has that color faded look and I want to see if filtering will help. Has anyone ever unscrewed one of these tops? I am having trouble getting that sucker to unscrew and am thinking it might be glued in as well.

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Are you trying to unscrew it when the lamp is hot or cold?  I unscrew ebery ecrew top when I get them so I can check on that gasket to make sure it is still in good shape

cold....did you just unscrew it by hand?

yes, I unscrew them when the lamp is hot to eliminate the slight vacuum that is created when the lamp cools and then i screw that cap back on when the lamp is hot then let it cool to restore the vacuum 

ohhh...I shall heat it then cause it aint budging cold....

My Century cap wouldn't budge even after it was hot. In addition to heating, I sprayed a bit of WD40 under the cap and used a rubber grip pad and it finally came off.

Thanks for that tip, mine wont budge warmed up, either.

Alas not even the wd40 and a grip pad will get it to budge.

try a blow dryer or a hot shower for 20 min or so, the steam can help loosen it all up


there might be some other ideas if you did a search on here, many folks have had issues getting their to open up

It takes patience. I've opened many of them.

My advice? Don't use anything (like say, a butterknife) to pry under the cap. I learned that lesson the hard way. Twice.

Get some gloves with those little rubber grippies (like gardening gloves or dishwashing gloves) on them and have someone hold the base while you try the top. They can be really tough to get off. 

Victory is mine! .I guess the wd40 just needed time to sink in...I'll be curious to see timirrow if filtering does any good. I havent filtered a USA made one before. Didnt have to.

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