Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I decided to test and see if a new coil in my China clear/white 52oz would fix it's issues. What do you know, it does! I thought I would share the spring type I used and some photos in case anyone out there wants to give it a go. Well worth it. My lamp actually flows now. Before, it would not attach to the spring and it would just blob up at the bottom and stay there. Even after cleaning the cheap coil inside.

Now, it's what a lava lamp should be! :D Thanks to all here for the wealth of information and knowledge. Without it, this would not have happened.

Package Info - Springs purchased at Lowe's

Old coil on the left, new coil on the right. Penny is to show size.

Great new flow!

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Personally now that I own Mathmos lamps here is what I think.

Mathmos is better than China lamps
USA lamps are better than Mathmos lamps

Thats how I look at it.
They shouldn't be allowed make lamps if they don't work. I'm sticking with Mathmos. Just ordered a violet/orange globe.
Here is a Spring that I made and it works really well also. Found it at lowes
Could anyone help me out and send me some of the springs you can purchase at Lowes? I live in the UK. I'm willing to pay via Paypal. I've tried to find them on the website but sadly I can't come across them.
Ya, I've tried B&Q and places like that and none of them have springs.
I'm allergic to this coil business.
Up until the end of the lamps demise - the lamp pictured in this thread - the coil was fine. When the coil was exposed to the air, it did discolor and slightly rust. Inside the lamp while operating, I have yet to see an issue with any of them. They may discolor, but they won't rust. They shouldn't anyways.

I no longer mess with China lamps. In fact, I no longer fool with lavas anymore. I believe they should work out of the box. Period. Since they don't I don't buy them. It's either Mathmos or old USA lamps. Please keep in mind, I have only two china lamps that flow like the old USA lamps. That's it. Every other one has been crap. I don't think they even use wax anymore. I think it's some concoction of fluid.
You must be using a weird spring then. No issues with the one I was using. The lamp was used to make another lamp. Wax and fluid transfered to another bottle and sealed up. It was then sold. Everything still worked beautifully too.

Your not going to find stainless steel springs.. if you do, they are going to be expensive. I don't even think the ones in the lamps now are stainless. They may be coated.
Try your local bigger Ace store. The one here carries everything or can get it, I know they carry stainless springs, not sure on the price though. You may also try looking at automotive stores, not the box type store ( Murrys, Pep Boys, Autozone) but maybe a Napa or Carquest and ask about carburetor springs which are all stainless and should be under a few bucks....hitting a junk yard with older cars should also yield a few usable springs.


Maybe if you tried to show a bit of appreciation & intelligence, you'd see that these folks are trying to help you. Since this isn't the caes, maybe you should contact Lava World. I'm sure they'll answer your every question, with promptly & efficiently & even offer to send you a free Globe.. just for being such a loyal customer.

Next time, don't bad-mouth the ones bothering to attempt to help, it sets EVERYONE in a mood!
You sound like the idiot that was wanting to write the "book" about lava's a few weeks back. Doesn't matter, what goes around comes around. I hope your ready when it happens :)
Ok, this is pathetic and going way off topic. If someone contacts Lava World and they send a replacement globe, isn't it likely the new globe will have the same problem?

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