About a month ago I went to Spencer's and purchased a ChinaRed/Clear with the intent of experimenting on it for leaning purposes. Out ofthe box it was cloudy and after running it a few day the lava stopped flowingand would ball up at the bottom of the globe as soon as it warmed up. So Ipopped the cap and drained all the liquid. I added about two tablespoons ofPERC to the lava. I then created a clear liquid with a solution of distilledwater, FOG machine liquid. I had to had a good amount of salt water solution.Added very little soap solution because it really is not needed with the fogmachine liquid. Anyway, here are the results. I have been running her every dayfor eight hours for the past month and she still looks good.
Views: 3050
Vixen, it is really not that complicated. I am doing this because I like to resuscitate dead LL's and see them come back to life. That 14oz Orange as been flowing great and is now one of my favorites.
PS. I love you to. ;-)
Hmm it seems we have both came to the same conclusions, but in different ways. I am trying to recreate the original 60's formula but I really dont know what I am doing. I am learning as I go so I thought I would point you towards my post, you might find some interesting information.
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