Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I could not resist this clearance off-brand lamp at walmart and I am actually shockingly happy with it. I expected the flow to be poor and it to be a lot cloudier. It is not the best lamp ever but for my expectations it's pretty impressive.

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It actually looks really good!! I love the color going on there :D

It does have a nice color and the wax being slightly translucent is very pretty so for $8.92 its pretty good! :)

Nice. I got one today and all my wax is at the top. ;( Came here to figure out the fix!

How long have you run it for?

It was probably only an hour and a half when I posted. Got home from work today and let it run- We're all good now! A bit cloudy but I'm happy its working normally!

Sunny said:

How long have you run it for?
Good, I am glad its working good now! it usually takes a couple of hours for them to heat up, ive noticed it takes slightly longer when the wax is at the top

Not original LavaLite lamp but nice CHINA lamp.  They are super cheap to buy and can even be found in Dollar Stores.  

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