Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Has anyone had actual experience with combining good flowing 32oz lamp bottles into an empty 52oz lamp bottle? What were the results or surprises? I have a number of good flowing 32oz lamps of the same color and a few empty Centuries with caps. I would be happy to sacrifice two 32oz's to get a good Century out of it.

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i don't have actual experience but have read about others doing it successfully.  the tips i recall are to use globes made during the same year or as close to it as possible.  perhaps you could document the process and post it for others to use in the future!

I've done it several times.  The 32 oz globes from the 1990s work great to refill 52 oz globes like the Centuries.  

The globes from this period were all made with the same wax/liquid formula, and they make EXCELLENT candidates for refilling the bigger globes.

It works well. I have many many customs like this

Thanks for the input. When I do this I will post the steps and results.

Well better two years late than never!

Haven't been here or posted in a long long time. I moved last year and still had all my lamps packed away and just now am getting around to putting my lamps out for display. I have purchased a number of 32oz lamps that were in good shape and combined them into a single Century / 52oz bottle with very good results.

The key to combining two 32oz bottles into a single 52oz bottle is to use two 32oz lava bottles whose liquids are the same or very close specific gravity. You must have a Hydrometer and a narrow container like a glass graduated lab beaker in which to pour the liquid to take the measurements. I do this whenever I buy a 32oz lava and record the measurement in an inventory log. Eventually I get a match of two bottles that are the same and they become candidates for combining. If the specific gravity of the liquids are the same then the lavas from the two bottles are balanced to the same specific gravity liquid and will mix and flow together fine. If you mix two 32oz lava bottles that have different SPG's you will ruin both.

In addition to being able to measure the SPG of the liquid you must be comfortable putting the caps back on. You also need to keep an inventory of your lamps and mark them so latter you know which is which. I just put a piece of tape on the cap and uniquely label each to cross reference with my log.

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