Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


We're having our first contest here at Oozing Goo! And, this contest has prizes! The name of this contest is called "Lava in the Wild" and is open to all members of the Oozing Goo community.


The contest is pretty simple: snap a photo of your running lava lamp in an unconventional / weird / funny location. Send the lamp photo TO ME via this site and I'll post it here and keep track of who's photos belongs to whom and we'll vote at the end. This will ensure an even and level playing field. :)


Please make sure to send your pics to ME, which will require you to friend me on this site. If you have any issues sending me a photo, contact me and I'll help you out!


Here are the official rules:

1) The lamp and photo must be YOURS. No grabbing anything off Google Images, please. ;)

2) The lamp must be RUNNING. Yes, I know, that'll make it a little more challenging, but it will also make the contest more fun, too. 

3) The lamp must be a LAVA lamp. Sorry glitters, this contest is not for you.

4) No Photoshops! If we suspect a P'shop, you're out!

5) No more than 3 photos maybe be submitted by any one member of this site. 

6) ALL members of Oozing Goo, regardless of country or length of membership, are eligible to win. 



1st and 2nd place winners will have their choice of ONE of the following:

  • 1999 BNIB Lava Lite Yellow/Red 8402
  • 1999 BNIB Lava Lite Clear/Blue 8413
  • Lava Lite Blue/White Psychedelic Swirl


The contest opens August 5th and will end at midnight on September 2nd. No exceptions. Winner will be determined by popular vote.


Voting will be from September 3rd to September 10th. You may vote for ONE photo. To see all the photos in a photo album, look here: https://oozinggoo.ning.com/photo/albums/lava-in-the-wild-contest-en...


GOOD LUCK everyone! :)




CURRENT ENTRIES in no particular order (click to see full size):


Photo 1:


Photo 2:


Photo 3:


Photo 4: 


Photo 5:


Photo 6:


Photo 7:


Photo 8:


Photo 9:


Photo 10: 


Photo 11:


Photo 12:


Photo 13:


Photo 14:


Photo 15:


Photo 16:


Photo 17:


Photo 18:


Photo 19:


Photo 20:


Photo 21:


Photo 22:


Photo 23:

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LOL Yes, of course. I love your confidence. 

Jim said:

Will I be able to donate my lamp to another Oozing Goo member when I win?  I plan to to branch off on a tangential "lava haiku" contest thread to see who wants to win the lamp I win.


Confident are we Jim???
Man I want to see this A-game and what you bring to the table.
This is going to be fun! You always make me laugh!

Jim said:

     So we would both be entering the lava porn category?!?  Best bring your A-game pal as I truly enjoy exploring my filthy side.

Slight adjustment to the rules. Please see updated original post. All lamp photos will be sent to me and *I* will post them here. This will ensure there's no bias or favoritism. :)


Thanks! :)

Good idea.  This way all pics will be posted at the same time, after the deadline.  Please let me enter - I have a hankering for some tinkering!

Erin said:

Slight adjustment to the rules. Please see updated original post. All lamp photos will be sent to me and *I* will post them here. This will ensure there's no bias or favoritism. :)


Thanks! :)

Ok, another question.  I see that I can officially enter 3 times.  Hypothetically I can sweep the prizes, no?
I suppose, but only if they are "that good!!!"
However, we have some pretty slick lava talent on this board!
We have our first entry! Since Mark wants all the pics posted after the entry deadline, I'll hold this one for now.

:) Can't wait to see more pictures!

Oh!  Blame it on me!  :-)

im thinking on the lines of lava and russ myers
The rules state that is not okay to enter with a photoshopped picture. Is it okay to fine touch the picture in photoshop as an example ? Like colour rebalancing and such ..
Has anyone ever seen a solar powered lava lamp? I had the idea and the tech is out there. Just need to spend the time to set it up.
IIs there solar tech out there to drive 40w continuously for a few hours?

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