My Fantasia fibre optic lamp just arrived from the US and now I'm faced with the problem of converting it for use in the UK. Anybody have any experience of doing this?? I see you can buy converters to go from 120v - 240v - do they work? Thanks for any help/advice.
Views: 188
You most likely will need to purchase one of these, I do not have much knowledge or experience with this but I am thinking one of these would work for you.
Good Luck !
Hi Liam, I use one of these for my Centurion Fantasia, and have another one for more Fantasia lamps.
I am waiting for an Omni to arrive from the US but it does not have a spray so I am on the look out for one.
What Fantasia lamp have you got?
You can normally pick them up cheaper than this one is selling for, but will be a used one.
Hi jmpenny32, thanks for the information regarding the glass fibre sprays will wait to hear from you. I have two Crestworth Galaxies as well. I would like a Sunburst one day.
Thanks very much jmpenny32 and Bill Smith.
I went out and bought a trasformer today. It's for a Fantasia Sunburst 4000. I have got it up and running this evening and boy is it a beauty - really mesmerising!! Any tips on running it? Should I leave the glass spray permanently on or is it better to remove it each time after use to as to help keep the form of the spray?? I love this lamp!
Hi Liam, which transformer did you end up buying? Just paid my Customs charge £21.24 plus delivery charge £12 rip off so it will be delivered on this Saturday. Will try my Centurion spray in it that's if it fits, or will have to wait until jmpenny starts selling them. Did you find your Sunburst by using the ebay US link on the top of the oozing goo page? Is it the chrome or black version.
Hi jmpenny, I have seen your Cosmos 2 and what a wonderful lamp it is. I look forward to your new lamps that you may be designing just hope they are in my price range. The biggest bug bear is the shipping and custom charges I have to pay to get these lamps. Will you be making the sprays for the Sunburst lamp as well just in case I see one going cheap without the spray?
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