Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


I recently ordered a Mathmos Astro blue/blue lamp and would like to know what I should do to use it here in the USA. It seems that my options are:

1. use a UK-->US upconverter
2. re-wire the lamp

It cost me $120 to order this lamp, so I'm not really wanting to modify it this quickly. However, if I go with the adapter, what do I do when the bulb burns out? Do they sell replacement bulbs here in the USA that will work with the Astro? At that point, it seems that it would be better to convert the lamp to work in the USA. by rewiring it.

I saw some instructions on this forum about how to modify the wirng of the Astro to work in the USA, but it was quite vague. I'd appreciate some advice on what I should do. If you have time, specific parts that will be needed to convert the lamp would make me feel better about modifying the lamp.

Thank you!

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Hi Laura,

The lamp is working great with the modified wiring. I've had absolutely NO issues! Just great flow! This mod works very well.

Did they discontinue the blue/blue? If so, I am very sorry as it is a great combo. Let us know what you decide to do with your lamp.

I know this thread is old, but here is a video of how the lamp flows with the above referenced modification:

 Flows wonderful.

Brad - MANY THANKS for these instructions! I've used them to rewire the Mathmos Anniversary lamps. This keyless plate socket looks great, and it's the perfect size and height for the common A15 40w bulbs!
Dude, your blue Astro is gorgeous! I love it!

no prob!  i wrote this guide back in 2009 and hoped it would be useful!

It was very useful!

Of note, the R14 40w bulb you used in this rewire is the IDEAL bulb to use for a rewired Astro.  The A15 40w clear or frosted bulbs cause the Mathmos wax to heat up too much after awhile.  Wth the R14 bulb. the wax maintains a beautiful flow for hours.

Thanks again.

good to know, kirk!  glad it's working for you.  you never know if these type of mods will work for others, so i'm glad to hear about your success.  merry christmas and happy holidays.

Merry Christmas, Brad.

I'm going to use this for my Astro that I'm ordering though forward2me. Seems simple

It's not that hard to do but the screws are frustrating at the end. What color Astro did you order? You BETTER post pictures :-)

Brian Jones said:

I'm going to use this for my Astro that I'm ordering though forward2me. Seems simple

thanks for the update! that lamp looks great!

I'm so glad I found this post. I bought a used older astro base and cap off someone here and figured I could use that to make sure I can rewire these. If it works well, I'll be re-wiring the newer astro I have coming directly from Mathmos :). 

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