Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Crestworth fibre optic lamp or cannon please? :)

Hi, I'm new to this fantastic site, so much knowledge here. I started collecting old fibre optic lamps last year, not sure why? lol midlife crisis maybe? I'm looking out for any vintage FO lamps, Crestworth lamps or old glass fibre optic sprays.
Also looking for a Crestworth cannon in any condition. lol
I live fairly near Poole, Dorset and check charity/thrift shops fairly regularly but so far no cannon. :/
Does anyone here have anything interesting they might be willing to sell please?
kind regards

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Hi. Yes I agree, the early Crestworth stuff is so interesting. I love all the old and vintage stuff some of which is really hard to get hold of now, especially the super rare 'canon' model. At the time, the Canon was the only non-powered Crestworth. I wish I had bought the one on the bay a couple of years back. It was nearly all of the components except one ring and the fluid.
Hi Modulo, thanks for reply. Was that the one that went for 40 pounds? :( I have a crestworth galaxy but it doesn't ooz goo like a cannon. I will find a cannon, it's my mission and I am on it, Sir. :) Living in Dorset is my edge in this battle I think.
My uncle had a cannon, I remember him constantly resetting it on the Christmas dinner table and chuckling every time lol that was in the late 80's, maybe that's why I want to find one?
Such a simple design yet so elegant to watch, same can be said about all the Crestworth items I think.

Hi from another Crestworth collector, good luck in your search, I've been after a Cannon for a while too, without success...

You definitely have the edge down in Dorset. Although there are other hunter-gatherers based down there...

I've never even seen the Cannon in the flesh, as it were, but they are so cleverly simple, aren't they?

And, as you say, so elegant.

I'm told they were made of fairly lightweight material, so maybe were fragile, which is why, perhaps there aren't many around these days....can you recall any details?

That must have been a fun Christmas dinner table!

Hi Andy, only details I remember where it being the red lava model and my uncle saying he paid too much for it when my dad asked where he got it. lol
What Crestworth treasures do you currently possess and covet? I'll keep my eye out down here.
Yes you are so right Tribble. Why oh why oh why oh why oh why (sorry for the repetetevness) did I not just bid on it and win that darned auction? £40 squiddlies is nothing for an avid Crestworth collector like me (and no doubt you and Andy and others too). Why oh why ? ? ? (cry). I just couldn't believe it went so cheap even though it was in bits...
We live and learn, there's going to be all out warfare if another one turns up on ebay. Hope it isn't between us nice folks lol

Can't even find a pic on the OG files, though there are photos elsewhere...

The sale was before my time here, too, or I'd've been in there fighting (cleanly!) - 2012, it looks like...

I wonder if the owner is sitting out there reading this with a smile on his/her face... I confess I would be, probably...

(T - sent you a PM)

I'd love to know how many were produced and during which period? Fascinating stuff. I would maybe even trade my Mistrolite for one although that is also much treasured.

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