Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Well I have been trying a different way to clear up a lamp. I have been running my 52 ounce clear liquid and red lava 10 hours a day. I run the lamp for 2 hours then turn off the lamp for an hour then turn it back on for 2 hours and I keep doing this. It seems to be clearing up fast. Has anyone ells tried this and has it worked for you? Well I just wanted to see what you all think of this.


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Yes I have and that method does work, but I did it run for 8 off for 4 then so on. But my best method is store the globe in a cool location such as a basement and leave it there for a few months. It will clear on its own.
I have a couple I am going to try that on. Got nothing to loose. Just let them sit in the cool environment.
Yes I donot have any white dye on any of my lamps. How Offen do you get one of thes lamps that have white dye?

Do you see the white dye in the Yellow Lava/Blue Liquid Grande?


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