Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have a wave machine for sale. Its a lavaworld adriatic 16 with blue/red fluids and it does have a box.

I paid 99 euros for it and thats the price I would sell it for...no more, no less.

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And btw, if you send me an offer via mail how about a hello and goodbye? or am I asking for too much when I expect some manners...this isnt just business you know...

Dear Arne,

  Hello (had to make sure that's there).

Very nice of you to offer the wave. I don't have an offer nor do I want it, but if you are not getting fair value offers, put it on eBay with a reserve price before you destroy it. There's nothing wrong with letting the people decide it's worth.Frankly, I'm no better, I've thrown lamps in the garbage after too many lowball bids.. But then again, I have two jobs and the time it takes to acquire packing, do the packing, printing, labeling, and bringing it to the carrier made the lowball offers useless since I could work slicing bagels at minimum wage and make more money. Your item is of value to many and should fetch a fair market price if it were seen by enough people.


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