Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hey all, I have been trying to do research on the earliest lava models and colors.  I found this photo in my archive of lava pics mostly from ebay over the years.  Jonas has been helping me and said this may be one of the very early models that had the liquid lava even when cool. We would love to know more about tho may own it if any of you happen to know. Thanks ~Kyle

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Hard to know from a photo if the wax in that lamp was liquid or more solid. It does appear to have the copper two-piece base, but the holes in the base look...more plentiful. 

I have a late 60s base like this: http://oozinggoo.ning.com/photo/mid60s-century-greenyellow?context=...


A few of us members here do. But to the best of my knowledge, no one has one with the liquid wax. And, I haven't seen a pic here from any member that looks like that one. 


Right now, we're working on putting Jonas' entire Lava Lite history in our Lava Library! :) Check out the decade sections under Lava Lite History:


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