Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

FYI, file this under Goo Guidelines. Ebay dispute threads between two OG members are simply not allowed. This is not the forum for that. Please use the Ebay tools to solve Ebay problems. We understand the desire "to spread the word" about about a bad seller or buyer, but there are always two sides to every story. Our official stance is that, when the dispute is between 2 OG members, the discussion is not allowed. On the other hand, we do not mind sharing Ebay problems people may have with non-members.


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I have a question. I was under the impression this was not an ebay issue, but an OG issue. IE, the user was selling here and someone here bought said items. So on so forth. How are things to be resolved between OG members if it can't be posted? Sheer luck?

I also have to say that if you are not going to allow someone to let people know about a bad seller - then you should do away with the selling forum. How is anyone going to know if there is a bad seller if you can't talk about it?

If an OG member sells something here or on ebay and they do not deliver/rip off or anything like that - they deserved to be publicly humiliated and everyone needs to know about it.
Hi guys. This thread was about Ebay sales, not sales that happen between members on OG. I don't think I mentioned OG sales in the thread. I understand where you are coming from, but I just dont want fighting on the forum. If threads go that way, the whole thread will be deleted without warning. We're not chosing sides because we really aren't equipped to. There are many ways to safegaurd your money via online sales: ebay, paypal and escrow sites. Please handle disputes at those sites. I hope I cleared this up.
Thanks again,

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