Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Ebayniacs? Anybody? Please help me understand this...

Ordered a goo kit on Ebay. UPS tracking number shows up as "Invalid". Magmatower10 response is (quote):

"checking on it.  somebody fatfingered the numbers."

- magmatower10
Sooooooooo-My question is: Can anyone else think of a scenario involving UPS and Ebay which even CALLS FOR manual entry of tracking numbers? I can't! Everything is scanned, numbers are all computer generated.  I know I should jus re-ask magmatower, but at this point I'm feeling suspicious of their replies.  I'm hoping one of you can be the voice of reason, and tell me something to knock me off my suspicion-like HOW it could even possibly happen? Thanks yall-

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Loren, that SUX!  What are you gonna DO?   

I've written MT. I have always been patient with them in the past, but after their last reaction to my complaint, my patience with them has worn thin. When I said that the tracking reported that my package was delivered, but that it wasn't there, they said "Look, you only ordered this 3 days ago, we can only go so fast!"

@_@ Wrong answer, bub.

We'll see what happens this time.

Loren, first off, sorry to hear about the whack job neighbor. Nothing worse than a bad neighbor. Secondly, when I ordered my goo kit back in mid May, it was a little warm. When I opened up the box I noticed that the three dyes leaked a little, but not that bad. I guess in order to solve that problem they shouldn't use the snap top containers, or we just need to stock up on the kits during the colder months.   
Loren said:

I ordered from them often when I lived in my old house. Then my next door neighbor went berzerk for no reason, and threatened to kill me. We left that place, and moved here. I ordered another time...3 quarts of goo and one of each color...they all arrived melted, and all of the dyes leaked out. They replaced what was ruined with little trouble.

THEN, I ordered one more time...and when the tracking number said the package was "delivered", I went down to get it...it wasn't there. I contacted MT, they said they had sent it. I called UPS, and got the REAL story...it had been sent, but to the WRONG HOUSE. I had to risk my life to go and pick up that package...only to find that the goo WILL NOT FLOW. One of the quarts of goo was for ME, to make a grande for my birthday...my first one. It's been running for 6 days straight...no flow.

I'm just about fed up.

Okay so since I was asked to comment here I am. Is the wax arriving melted even when it is cold? If it is warm outside there is nothing that can be done about that, it is just the nature of the product. As for the quality and customer service problems I don't have any advice to give other than keep in contact with Magma Tower. I quit buying goo kits for my own reasons, but I think they are an honest company so I wouldn't worry too much.

I never had a problem with the wax being melted, just the dyes being melted and leaking a little. Nothing to really complain about, knowing it was hot during shipment.

Just a little concerned about black specs in goo and why the 2012 wax doesnt flow like the 2011 wax. As far as the black specs, as long as you do dark colors or make your blend a metallic color, you probably wouldn't even notice.

I'll continue to purchase goo kits from Magma, I'll just do it more during the cold seasons.
Autumn said:

Okay so since I was asked to comment here I am. Is the wax arriving melted even when it is cold? If it is warm outside there is nothing that can be done about that, it is just the nature of the product. As for the quality and I don't have any advice to give other than keep in contact with Magma Tower. I quit buying goo kits for my own reasons, but I think they are an honest company so I wouldn't worry too much.

The August delivery in GA was no problem, really. They handled that well.

The other things, yes...there were problems with communication, consistency and attention to details.

I just went to Ebay to purchase a few dyes and a 4oz bottle of surf from Magma Tower. I noticed they wanted $13.12 for S/H on the 4oz bottle of surf alone. They want $16.86 S/H for the whole goo kit. Does anyone know if the 4oz bottle S/H of $13.12 is a misprint? 

Not that I know of. It's one of the reasons I took so long to order again... Shipping was crazy high.

i bought a gookit for my grande and an extra dye pack. they didnt send my dye pack and i had to wait a week for it. i did my grande and it was fantastic at first...i dyed it aqua blue and the flow is nice but after about a week it noticed white chunks forming in the wax. i did several things to try and get rid of them but they just got worse so i emailed magma tower and they sent me a new quart of goo right away and i was very happy with that. i didnt want to redo the grande so i just ended adding blue dye till i could no longer see the chunks and used the new goo to do 2 52ozers. one i did is okay not the best flow but good enough the other hardly flows at all now though it flowed fine at first and both have began to stick to the bottom of the globe. i dont think i will be buying another any time soon. 

hmmmm I'm surprised to see this much dislike for MagmaTower right now. They've always seemed to be cool with me and are usually quick to fix issue. I'll have to have a talk with Lizette and see if she can help any of you out.

I think that part of our communication problem was ebay's fault. They FORCE you to choose a particular sale to reference, and a message subject which may not fit, exactly, You can't just save a seller any more, and message them however you please. So when they got the message, and the heading was "I haven't received my item yet", they probably jumped the gun a little bit. They shouldn't have done that, but that's probably what happened.

This is definitely hurting my business, but I don't want to hurt theirs.

People are human, and they make mistakes. They have been good about fixing their mistakes.

Ok, I just got a response. They are going to replace the goo, apparently.

He then proceeded to quote me my OLD address...just to be sure they had the right one. @_@
Why nobody fixed that after what happened the last time is beyond me.

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